WebSite Blocker
the code of a simple website blocker project implemented in Python. It can be used to block certain websites during work time to reduce distraction thus improving productivity.
The magic
The magic of this project lies on modifying the host file within your computer that manages how you access the web.
Getting started
Well to get started with this project just clone the repository and edit the host file location depending on the OS your using.
$-> git clone
$-> cd Website-blocker-python
$ Website-blocker-python ->
Adding sites to block + Editing host files
Now open the and then go to line 4 with variable site_to_block and you can add the sites you would like to block during work time
the script will automaticaly detect your OS and will add the host records to the relevent location
One more thing
You would need to set up the starting working + ending working hours where you would like to be restricted from accessing those websites. To do this go to line last line of our code and edit the hours where by.